Chanting: The Power of Naad Yoga

Naad Yoga is the ancient science of sacred sound. “Naad” ( in Gurmukhi)- “Nada” (in Sanskrit)- is the eternal sound current beneath everything. In yoga tradition the Naad, or “cosmic OM” is the original source of creation. We access this field of sound through chanting. Chanting is a Naad Yoga practice.

Modern physics might refer to the naad as the quantum field. For both science and mysticism, there is a harmonic resonance in the universe. From the great silence all things come, and to that great silence they all return.

Naad Yoga harmonizes the brain and body with consciousness. The physical body and nervous system synchronize with divine energy – the cosmos – when we chant. “Mantra” means that which trains and entrains the mind. Mantras are musical affirmations that root out fear and pain with potent rhythmic words and sounds. Mantras vibrate the brain and body, dissolve negativity, and expand the potency of our electromagnetic field. When we repeat mantras, our aura gets flooded with magnetic charge. With practice, the aura becomes highly magnetic. We feel lighter, and experience more joy, connection and wellbeing.

Naad Yoga uses breathing, rhythm, mudras, movement and sound to synchronize the biochemistry of the body and the brain. We have meridian points on the roof of the mouth that connect to the pituitary and hypothalamus glands in the brain. When we chant, the tongue hits various meridian points and vibrates brain waves. This influences our glandular secretions that oversee mood, emotion, personality, and physical health.

Naad Yoga vibrates the brain cells directly, and these vibrations transmit inward through our membranes and fluids and out into the electromagnetic field. We are 75-80% water. Sound travels through water sixty times more effectively than through air; so cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and spinal cord and water in the body are excellent conductors of sound. Chanting mantras reorganizes the brain and spinal nerves vibrationally, reshaping our brain fluids, blood and lymph. Sacred mantras awaken vibrational frequencies of love, healing and connection. As worry vanishes, our blood becomes alkaline, and our minds and bodies feel more at ease.

Two forces energize chanting: Shakti and Bhakti. Shakti is the raw creative force beneath life, the flame that ignites our very breath. Bhakti is pure love, devotion and longing for the divine. Mantras contain both shakti and bhakti, the potential energies of transformation within that we embody when we chant. As our hearts and bodies open through this yoga practice, we become more sensitive, benevolent human beings.

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, chanting is remarkably pleasurable, and rapidly redirects the pattern of our thoughts. Mantras help us focus. Naad Yoga is the most perfect energy medicine practice for these times.

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