How Degeneration Happens (and what we can do)

Degeneration initially begins with the buildup of tightness, stiffness, lack of movement, atrophy, and pain. It is a gradual process of the many accumulated injuries in life that never completely healed. Injury is always more than skin deep, impacting our membrane and fascia systems within. Scars and scar tissue put constantly increasing pressure on our deep connective tissue, eventually compressing and damaging organs and joints.

The entire body is internally wrapped and shaped by a connective tissue called fascia. Like a web, fascia transmits nerve information instantly to the brain and through all parts of the body…creating inflammation, splinting and compensation patterns as soon as injury occurs. A limp following a muscle tear, or twisted neck or hip from falling on your tailbone, need to be rebalanced and retrained, or the distorted posture patterns set the stage for a cascade of future injuries and pain.

We take our body structure for granted, not realizing that fallen arches torque and pull on the inner knee, and weaken the spine as well. Or that bunions can be caused by uneven or excessive outward rotation of the hips and feet, which pulls on leg and foot bones with every step. Or that locking the knees can result in headaches or low back pain. Or that when brain tissue and muscle tissue tighten, the causative trauma or injury gets locked in the brain and nerves and restricts our lives.

Fascia runs vertically in the body. As insignificant as curled toes may seem, they affect the posture of your neck over time. Consider also how office workers must sit for many hours, hunching over projects every day, so that their shoulders and heads drop forward all the time. Their carpal tunnel pain and low energy may be posturally induced! If more people experienced skillful realignment through bodywork and Yoga, they could have so much less pain and degenerative disease, and reconnect to their inner vitality and healing power!

When we align our bodies, our energy freely flows. Energy is at once mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. The nervous system our body’s electrical circuit, and the main fusebox is the brain. The electromagnetic field around us reflects the nerve energy of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Retraining our alignment with precise Yoga movements can reverse postural damage, enhance our nervous system and expand our electromagnetic field. We stand taller, stronger, and with awareness. We move differently, centered in body, breath, and heart.

CranioSacral Therapy and structural bodywork improve posture, movement, blood and nerve flow, symmetry, and balance. We become rapidly attuned to our bodies with this professional hands-on support, refining our awareness and ability to make postural corrections for ourselves.

CranioSacral Therapy addresses nerves and membranes deep inside the body and the brain. Structurally-based yoga and bodywork realigns muscles, joints, and bones. All body functions are connected by the nervous system, which is highly sensitized to subtle shifts. With the combined approach of receiving bodywork and practicing structural yoga, we can realign posture and release deeply held traumas, enabling our bodies to self-adjust and our emotions to heal.

Yolanda’s work helps free the body of physical and emotional trauma and pain. A focused series of Quantum Evolutionary Healing appointments or an Immersion Retreat will deliver even better results than a single session alone. Resolving deeper issues takes time, guidance and personal support.
