Sheriff Mack and the Abominable Snowmen

So…who the heck is Sheriff Mack, and how did he meet the abominable snowman?

(For now, i’ll skip the main environmental issues - such as the thousands of high-radiation satellites circling the earth’s orbit and cellblocks on every corner blasting every home. Radiation is hotter than hell. i promise you. Global warming anyone??? And i must add, radiation is definitely not nutritious for the brain. Holding a cellphone to your head - or letting babies suck on it in their strollers and cribs - and small children streaming with technology on their little laps - kills brain and body cells right away. That really does make people sick. And animals too. (You mean like cancer? Yes exactly!) So do all those endless hospital tests people consent to, without giving the amounts of radiation a single thought>>> Exposure comes from just being inside a hospital, not to mention long stays, in these highly radioactive zones. Police stations and military bases are extremely hazardous in terms of two-way radio too. So is asking Alexa to manage your home affairs and entertainment needs.
In radiation fields such as technology produces, cell membranes simply melt, and the slush of inflammation and chronic disease begins.
Babies can’t afford that, my friends. None of us can, so at least let’s think this through. Starting with “the children” whose brains are thin and vulnerable, being exposed to radiation in utero, and then everywhere here on Earth - down to the baby monitors right by their little skulls! And the immune compromised elders who’ve been confined and over-medicated for way too long. Toxic vaccines make them all sicker, and speed them right along to the finish line on the way home. Then, the dozens of poisonous vaccines forced into every newborn’s blood before they ever have a chance - and the rampant, yet unspoken rise of autism, cancer, and chronic disease in the young. We were built to develop immunity biologically, with inoculations we receive directly from our mothers while passing through the birth canal in the natural birthing process - this divine blueprint has been active ever since our species and several others landed down here on Earth. We were meant to upgrade our immune intelligence by interacting with the environment and each other. Without that living exchange of bio-molecular information, we risk immune failure, infection, and chronic organ disease…)

Wait! i just said i wouldn’t go there. Oops. Back on track…Reroute!
So…who the heck is Sheriff Mack, and how did he meet the abominable snowman?
THAT’S well worth knowing about - because beyond political parties and promises is this one basic fact:
Our government and legal system are founded on the US Constitution, and violations by federal government to this fundamental document have reached the extreme.
So Sheriff Mack speaks up.

Not only that, but he took the tenth amendment to US Supreme Court in 1996, and won! He also spoke up in defense of the second amendment, and continues to this day. Mack points out that the County Sheriff has both the the power and duty to enforce the Constitution, and is never slave to bossy warlords, paid politicians, or over-zealous sergeants. Sheriff Mack offers lessons on freedom from 50 years in service to the Constitution, and turns us back to our own county sheriffs and to reclaiming our inborn and legally mandated civil rights. 

Sheriff Mack upholds the Constitution, as was this oath into the sacred offices of his five decade career…
Each and every law enforcement official needs to follow this example, starting now.

It’s time to refuse to follow mindless, illegal mandated federal orders over the state. i am learning from Sheriff Mack at this time precisely because our country is deep at war, waged silently for as long as i’ve been alive.

Where else can the government beat and kill people for their color or spiritual earth-based beliefs? Don’t answer that, because we all know. Mexico, South America, Africa (Rwanda anyone?), Asia (Tibet perhaps?), Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada??…All over everywhere throughout all time?
Assault, murder, and genocide are unconstitutional, completely illegal, and just plain wrong wrong wrong. 

This is not a conversation about political parties and dissent. It’s very much about our right to live - and now, to even survive.
The sixth global extinction is a potentially immanent event. It’s real - not a science fiction movie any more. But as we say to each other to help ourselves: “There’s still time”. And absolutely anything could be true.

No DAPL was a US government and military coup on the people that desecrated our land, our rights, and our future, and tried to take the Native American nation down once and for all. It was a dry run for now.
It’s all a coup actually - fracking, clearcutting and detonating mountaintops, bank funding, corporate dumping of toxic chemical wastes into our water worldwide, pipelines and oil spills, destroying holy lands and ecosystems, and now forcing the global population to survive radiation levels only previously used as weapons of war. Laser-pointed 5G burns holes in flesh, which is how and why it was used in warfare, and is now implemented for crowd control across the globe. We are being ushered and forced into a totalitarian dictatorship, and most people, like lemmings, will trail right along. 
Sheriff Mack urges us to wake up - now! So… 

Friends and country people, lend us your eyes and peruse two enlightening ebooks written by an unsung national hero: Sheriff Mack. They are free for supporters of CSPOA. (Constitutional Sheriff & Peace Officer Association)

Here also is the link to his course on Constitutional law.

PS: My attempts to order his course online all jammed at the payment page every time for some strange reason…so this week i will phone him to enroll. Sheriffs swear to uphold the Constitution for all of us, and to help their teams of peace officers and administrators do the same. Learn from a Sheriff Mack’s 5 decades of service to the Constitution, and to living his deepest truths in his work. Of standing for liberty, honor, and justice for all. For All. Each one. 

Consider why people began swearing oaths on the holy bible - which could just as well be the Koran or Vedas or Siri Guru Granth, or any book of god’s truth by its own name. This sort of human, who regards their oath of honor directly with god, is always the only person for our vote. By association, this one infuses their whole team and community with ethics of high integrity and deep respect. Here’s the link to the course:


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