The Emerging Quantum Paradigm for Healing

My lifelong passion and focus of my work is to solve the mystery of pain.

Ever since i was a child, people have asked for my help to heal their pain. Back then, i never understood why those people came to me, or why most others gave up so easily, and turned their lives over to diagnoses, drugs, and despair. It’s taken my whole career to realize, it’s all about conditioned beliefs.

Our culture trains people to go to the doctor first, and even now, few people question that. But saying we want things to change, while insisting “that’s the way it is”, keeps us stuck right where we are. I suggest we challenge this unconscious cultural belief, this knee-jerk reaction that locks us on the western medical hamster wheel of pain and disease – because people are not getting better; their conditions are getting worse and worse.

All living systems in Nature self-regulate and self-heal. Our bodies fluctuate constantly to adapt to stress, yet in this culture, our natural self-regulating responses are seen as pathological, and immediately medicated into submission with toxic drugs. This only complicates the body’s struggle to adjust, while compromising the liver, adrenals, and gut. Then, doctors tell us that there is no hope, that degeneration is irreversible, and that brain and nerve tissue, once damaged, can’t heal itself. But that’s a total lie, which serves big pharma to profit and dominate through fear. Meanwhile, these toxic pharmaceutical cocktails may be the leading cause of death on the planet now. Just read the cautions and contraindications on the label. Most people don’t…

At this historical juncture, science, spirituality, and mysticism have merged to create a potent new paradigm of self-healing. Brain research, neuroscience findings, and quantum physics all point us to the vibrational nature of reality, and the infinite array of possible outcomes to choose from in the quantum field. Meditation and the science of consciousness have confirmed neuroplasticity beyond any doubt: proving that focused intention actually changes the shape, content, and function of our brains. Consciousness is our future, and it’s the most reliable fuel for personal transformation and global change. Holistic Medicine is gathering momentum now for all these reasons, and is waiting in the wings. Sooner or later, people will tire of the hopeless runaround they are on.

The latest advances presented by modern masters like Gregg Braden, Dr Bruce Lipton, and Dr Joe Dispenza come from their decades of research in using consciousness to heal. Many of us have long been on this same path, quietly healing ourselves. Each of us faced devastating traumas by cultivating extreme meditative focus, and “upgrading our neural circuitry” – our brains and nervous systems – to carry higher vibration (electromagnetic) life force. We know we CAN, so we DO, and then help others too. Nothing could be more worth the time and energy than mastering the skills to break free and heal ourselves!


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