Through Regenerative Herbalism we re-learn and
embody the superpowers of Wholeness and Divine Love.

 Tap into regeneration as the natural flow of Life.

Earth self-replenishes and self-renews. Earth fosters - and reminds us of - reverence and our relationship with all Life.

Regenerative Herbalism is the medicine of Life.
All plants have numerous medicinal powers - which is how they survived throughout time to serve as our ancestors and friends.
Plants honor the web of life, and weave us back in. They offer relationship, evolutionary wisdom, and medicine to bring us home to self.

Giving Back to Plants - it’s only natural!
We sustain each other... ...each inhale, the other’s exhale - oxygen and carbon dioxide flowing back and forth. 

In breathing out, we offer life to the plants. Love increases exponentially within and around us as Life is nurtured and reborn.

*Find your plant allies, learn about potent restorative herbal medicines, and customize your own simple program of daily self-care.

Omtara Blessings Deep Healing Oils, Tinctures and Salves are blended to regenerate all body tissue layers - skin, muscles, vessels, bones, and joints.