Are We Prepared (part one)

Preparedness. What is it? Have you thought about it? Let’s explore the essence of self-sufficiency in these times.

What preparedness means to each of us changes as the threats to our health and wellbeing escalate, and services we’ve come to depend on fall away. How prepared are we for impending disaster? Preparedness and health go hand in hand. To accomplish anything, we must stay strong, so this is where we’ll begin.

Environmental toxicity ambushes our health, and is a primary root cause in all illness and pain. Toxic threats include industrial chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, heavy metals, radiation fields, and electro-pollution, which individually and collectively erode our energy and health. Chronic stress and old traumas are toxic too. The constant toxic onslaughts cause steady declines in our energy levels and overall health on physiological, neurological, and bioenergetic levels. The brain and nervous system are bombarded by manmade poisons drowning us and our planet today, and do their best to adapt. The bioenergetic terrain includes emotions, beliefs, and embodied trauma. It’s all connected, and we. 

Here are some time-tested resources and links for you. i only recommend things i absolutely love and use myself, made by companies with someone real at the other end of the line…not a bot. i don’t sell any these products myself, but they are all integral to my life, especially now.

*When you click links i provide, i sometimes get a few dollars off my next refill or replacement parts. Please save and use my links.


Stock up and skip the trip:
Thrive Market online…

A staggering inventory of all natural, organic and bulk foods, personal, and home supplies; Autoship gives best discounts.
Farm Fresh To  use code YZLA2999 to order
Produce, dairy, grains delivered from local California farms

DETOXIFICATION - Radiation, Chemicals, Heavy Metals

Environmental poisons deluge our bodies and brains. Detoxification is absolutely essential to basic health. Until we dump the sludge, our cells can’t metabolize properly; and we won’t have the energy to digest and absorb the nutrients from our food.

Here are my tried and true detox recommendations…easy to use, effective, and powerful.




Transform your personal space and home environment with vital energy nutrients. Clear and potentize your home and personal space with scalar enhanced frequency therapy 24/7. Scalar waves carry information, overpower 5G, and have the capacity to alter and transform the environment to support creativity and health.

Quantum Sound Therapy
Miracle i-qube - home sanctuary
OmPocket portable - personal vortex sanctuary
Structured Water - to replenish the pure fluids found in healthy cells:

The radiation, mold, and electro smog in and around our homes are slowly weakening and poisoning us - so secretly and silently that most of us are completely unaware. Ask yourself - are you troubled (or even disabled) by:

Headaches? Anxiety? Palpitations? Brain fuzz? Bone and joint pain? Digestive trouble? Insomnia?
(i started to feel it in 2010, and by 2018, i was sick with radiation poisoning all the time. Then i discovered that many areas in the country were test pilots for 5G, and the town i lived in was at the top of the list! i found Quantum Sound Therapy in 2019) 

Our bodies read the environment loud and clear. The actual SARS (specific absorption rates) of all new technology is dangerously high. Our machines and devices are powered by satellites orbiting the earth, carrying radio wave frequencies that silently disable cell and organ function, and have unleashed global epidemics of infertility, cancer, viral infections, and death. Even when we don’t feel these harmful forces consciously, our bodies are reacting inside, as brain cells die and cell metabolism shuts down.

What about chips and pendants for protection? No contest. First comes good tech hygiene - distance is our friend, and phones should always be on airplane mode when near or on our bodies. Laptops should never sit on our lap. Radiation poisons, disables, and kills. However, we are now stewing in vast radiation fields, and as a result, global health is on the decline and small children are getting brain tumors and cancers no-one has ever seen. We can’t ever really escape these harmful fields - we live in them.

Quantum Sound Therapy uses energy technologies that detox and purify the environments we live in every day. Plus, the voice code activation program gradually dissolves unconscious blocks in our energy field and intuitive knowing.


Microbes define and comprise our world; some are beneficial (pre and pro-biotic) and others are not. Parasites set up camp in the gut and liver. Parasites in the gut disturb digestion and cause gas and pain. When the liver’s bile duct is blocked, metabolism shuts down and illness sets in.

In herbal medicine school, i learned that Mimosa Pudica is a time tested anti-parasitic, and i was curious for years. When Microbe Formulas contacted me recently, i had my chance. My second day on the Mimosa was a story i’ll keep to myself for now - boy that stuff works fast! Who knew?

Microbe Formulas- Mimosa Pudica: 

Dr Jay has an extensive detox program for parasites, heavy metals and more - including Bioactive Carbons - but i know it’s safer for me adding just one thing at a time to all my ongoing detox protocols, which have been shared up above.

Questions? Please check out the links then get in touch. i’ve seen in my work, and truly believe, that toxicity and the inflammation and cell death it causes are the real plague of modern times. Detoxification as a lifestyle can and will strengthen our metabolism and eliminate that plague.


Cleavers: Lymph Cleansing and Flow


Planning Ahead to Thrive