How Posture Can Cause, Prevent, or Heal Pain

Forward Head Posture - FHP - is epidemic today, and stars as an unseen cause of neck, head, and arm and wrist pain.
We can’t imagine how stressful such misalignment is for the body and the brain.

Forward Head Posture is a common spinal misalignment that develops from lifestyle habits over time; it may come from repeatedly looking down at devices, prolonged sitting at a desk or in a car, or carrying heavy purses, backpacks, or babies for instance. This strain of the weights then compounds with our digitally-dependent thus sedentary lifestyle…there are far more costs than we realize to always looking down at our screens… 

We damage our eyes - we crimp blood and lymph flow between our body and brain, while the head’s weight of between 12-15 pounds pulls and strains the neck and upper back - leading to chronic symptoms that erode our health and quality of life.

FHP can silently contribute to any of these complaints:
headaches; jaw pain; neck and shoulder tension; back pain; foot and knee pain; repetitive strain injuries (RSI) of the elbow or wrist;  feeling pressure or weakness in the heart; breathing problems; anxiety; depression; digestive issues; poor sleep; irritability; tinnitis (ringing in the ears); and more.

(see before image on left:
Head hangs forward of the body’s vertical upright line, straining neck and upper back, and collapsing chest; jaw/TMJ maloccusion.
after realignment therapy, image right:
Body stands upright again, head, neck, and jaw vertically aligned, chest lifted.)

Misalignments cause restriction, tension, pain, and ultimately degenerative decay.

Alignment matters greatly in health. Misalignments are cultivated slowly over time, depending how we use our bodies day to day. Imagine an elder stooped over with a cane: this posture has obviously been progressing for many years.
Sadly, our seated digital lifestyles collapse both our posture and energy levels, while the internet frequencies emitted everywhere bombard and ensnare us, negatively affecting our metabolism, organ function, and overall health.

Restoring posture and alignment resolves numerous complaints. Our bodies are living systems that know how to self-renew.

True health is a blessing revealed with practice. We learn by doing - by reconnecting with our bodies and helping them process stored physical and emotional trauma and heal.
Let me help you…
Bodywork for Pain, Posture, and Emotional Grounding


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